
Important Update to Child Vision Screening Guidelines from UK National Screening Committee

The UK National Screening Committee has updated its guidance and for the first time has put a strong emphasis on the use of IT systems.

Of course, this is what SchoolScreener® Vision does, and has done for many years. Our clients can be reassured that they are compliant with the new guidelines in this regard, without needing to make any changes.

SchoolScreener® Vision is the only failsafe system that’s compliant with UK NSC Guidelines, end-to-end.

The full specification of the new guidelines can be found on at the following location:

The specific parts of this detailed specification we’d like to draw to your attention include the following:

Providers should ensure that:

  • appropriate systems are in place to run the programme including audit and monitoring functions;
  • timely and accurate completion of data takes place for all stages of the care pathway; this should be through the use of an IT system that can ensure demonstrable failsafe processes are in place, and these are monitored and managed – use of such a system is mandatory;
  • there is continuous monitoring and collection of the recommended minimum dataset for the service and that this information and audit data is available to the commissioner.

Risk assessment of the pathway

Providers should have an internal quality assurance and risk management process that assures the commissioners of their ability to manage the risks of running a screening programme.

The provider and commissioner should agree plans to mitigate risks. This should involve mechanisms to audit implementation, report incidents, ensure staff training and development, and have appropriate links with internal governance arrangements. Support can be sought from the community or hospital eye services and the Screening Quality and Assurance Service (SQAS) in NHS England.

Quality assurance

Providers should participate fully in quality assurance processes, including the provision of:

  • minimum data sets as required
  • self-assessment questionnaires or tools and associated evidence

Providers should co-operate in undertaking audits and reviews as requested and respond in a timely manner to their recommendations. All providers should operate failsafe systems that can identify, as early as possible, children that may have been missed or where screening results are incomplete. Providers should produce, with agreement of commissioners, an action plan to address areas recommended for improvement.

Keeler Crowded LogMar

The guidelines also mention use of Keeler Crowded logMAR tests, which are included in SchoolScreener® Vision.

In fact, there are three ways you can use SchoolScreener® Vision with Keeler Crowded logMAR tests. We’ve produced 3 short videos to explain each of the methods available.

FIRSTLY, you can use Keeler Cards, from within SchoolScreener® Vision ….

SECONDLY, you can use Keeler Crowded logMAR, from within the standard interactive tests found within SchoolScreener® Vision ….

THIRDLY, you can manually update the system from your own Keeler tests ….

They also discuss opt-outs vs opt-in services, which are at the discretion of the commissioning local authority. Both can be efficiently accommodated using SchoolScreener® ParentPortal, which is the most efficient way of gathering this information, electronically. This saves time and cost and supports a paper-free or paper-light service, in line with service digitisation objectives.

For a detailed description of the requirements of the new guidelines and how SchoolScreener® Vision meets these, download our document:

All in all, SchoolScreener® Vision is not just the best tool to help you meet the new NSC Vision Screening Guidelines, it’s the only software system that can do this. There’s more information on this site at the screening page, including a technical document download. Also, in various blog posts

Connect it to your preferred EPR system for full visibility of results in all local healthcare systems. We can help your IT teams with connectivity, if required.

Contact us for more information and a product demonstration, to show how it can deliver vital efficiencies to your organisation.


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