Health Needs & Risk Assessments for Children of All Ages


Children’s health needs come first, every time.

However, in-between the growing paperwork and mounting pressure, it is easy for children to become seen as only a box to tick.

But school nursing teams know that children are not a box to tick – just like SchoolScreener®.

And it’s why we created SchoolScreener® Health Needs.

Child Health Needs Questionnaires and Risk Assessments


This module gives online health questionnaires about a child’s personal health experience up to that point. They can be completed by children at school, with staff there to assist, or parents at home for younger children.

The licence includes our library of evidence-based questionnaires for different age groups, created by Compass Healthcare. Alternatively, select and adapt them for your own needs, with your own preferred content and our implementation support.

Instant reviews, alerts and visibility allow immediate inspection by school nursing. They can see, in an easy way, which children may be at-risk or in need of health assistance. The cohort view ensures no child is missed.

School nurses will have access to this information on an online database. There is no need for paper, and everything is digitally organised so all the information for each child is stored securely within the same system.

So, for example, if you discovered that a child was at-risk and needed further examination, you could explore their answers, get in contact with the parents, and look back on this information when necessary.

Parent Portal Included

For parents, the Parent Portal is available and offers one digital space where all communications and information can be located. Show you are here for parents as well, with this video that’s available for all providers to share and included with the product.

For Schools, Provider Management and Commissioners data and reporting is fully automated according to locality requirements. And, if you think there is a question or section missing, we can implement it for you.


All stored information is GDPR-compliant. Schools have access to anonymised, aggregated data for their school. Providers have full access to the data and may compare schools across their areas. And, with new School Profile features, it’s easier than ever for providers to view all required info at a glance.

As with all our products, SchoolScreener® Health Needs is available to purchase via the Government’s Digital Marketplace in England.

If you want any more information on SchoolScreener® Health Needs then watch this short video.

Download the Health Needs Product Factsheet

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SchoolScreener® requires no special training, so is quick to set up, even for the first time. You really are up and running in just a few minutes. All SchoolScreener® products include training, support and IT from Thomson Screening. The screener or school nurse, of whatever grade, can focus on making the tests fun and involving for the children.

See any SchoolScreener® module for yourself; ask for a demonstration now.

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