
Use SchoolScreener® to
Digitise and Automate Healthy Child Programmes

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What is SchoolScreener®?

Used over 2 million times, SchoolScreener® is a robust software platform that supports school nursing services.

There are apps to automate vision and hearing screening, recording child height and weight data, online health needs questionnaires and immunisation programmes.

It also speeds up 2-way communications. Such as sharing consent, public health information and test results.

With rapid implementation in 6 weeks or less, service providers soon benefit from capacity building and cost savings.

We work closely with school nursing services. We understand their work and what they need. SchoolScreener® reduces the time spent on routine tasks, releasing more time for care.

Our Services

SchoolScreener® software automates many of the activities involved with school nursing services. Like online health needs questionnaires that can be managed remotely. Vision screening at Reception-age, or older. And hearing screening. Child BMI data management for the NCMP or other needs. Also, SchoolScreener® Imms for the management of child vaccinations.

All SchoolScreener® apps share a common interface, for rapid implementation. Each app is set up and configured according to customer requirements. This includes real time reporting for provider management. Clinical data, such as screening outcomes are available along with KPI dashboards to support capacity management and service delivery.



Healthy Child Programme Providers select SchoolScreener® to simplify, automate and improve their services. We’ve supported School Nursing Services since 2013. We understand how they work, how to digitise their services and automate the admin.

It’s available through the Digital Marketplace or direct from Thomson Screening.


Used over 2 million times and in many countries, SchoolScreener® benefits child health from Japan to the USA. Also the EU and developing countries. It’s translated into 45 different languages. Our home is the UK, where we support school nursing services from the National Health Service and other organisations.

Our continued international expansion means we’re seeking commercial partners who can be either:



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